Daily Archives: April 6, 2015

SharePoint 2013 – “Working on it” Slow pages

Many of my customers were escalating a common issue as they always “every day morning SharePoint 2013” will be slow at first time, but after that the performance of SharePoint 2013 pages are good. Their system engineers have done some googled and added the Curl URL and other techniques to resolve the issue. One point of time, this issue was escalated to me and I explained them what is happening when sharepoint 2013 shows “working on it”. First I asked them to enable Javascript debugging/error popups.The /_layouts/15/start.aspx page was stuck on “working on it” forever, with a javascript error:

Almost every page in SharePoint threw this error. A bit of JavaScript debugging revealed that SharePoint is trying to use window.localStorage object, which was the root cause for this error. In order to resolve this issue, we need to disable the local storage feature. Go to internet options –> advanced, scroll down to “Enable DOM Storage” and uncheck it’s checkbox.

This might not suitable for all the cases. But I would recommend you to enable the javascript debugging/error popups to find what is the root cause for your situation before you apply any remediation that are recommended in the internet.

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Posted by on April 6, 2015 in Sharepoint